Teaching Languages Through TPRS-TESOLBlaine Ray inventedTPRS in the 1990’s, which is a teaching methodology forforeign languages. The methodology was influenced both by Stephen Krashen’stheory and by Dr. James Asher’s TESOL method. TESOL-The methodology doesnot have much academic research to back it up, but many educators have createdtheir own materials and texts. They have also taken the initiative to host andspeak at several conferences to teach TPRS to other foreign language educators. TPRS focuses onStephen Krashen’s 5 hypotheses included in his monitor model. The five hypothesesinclude: 1,Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis 2, MonitorHypothesis 3, Natural OrderHypothesis 4, Input Hypothesis 5, Affective FilterHypothesis Language acquisitiondoes not require extensive use of conscious grammatical rules, and does notrequire tedious drill. Acquisition requires meaningful interaction in thetarget language-natural communication-in which speakers are concerned not withthe form of their utterances but with the messages they are conveying andunderstanding. The best methods are therefore those that supply “comprehensibleinput” in low anxiety situations, containing messages that students really wantto hear. These methods do not forceearly production in the second language, but allow students to produce whenthey are “ready”, recognizing that improvement comes from supplyingcommunicative and comprehensible input, and not from forcing and correctingproduction. With every teachingmethod, there are going to be both advantages and disadvantages. Not everystudent is the same type of learner and not every teacher is the same type ofeducator. Some things may work for one person and will not be as effective foranother. It is important to keep advantages and disadvantages of TPRS in mindwhile moving forward in the practice. Advantages: 1.A comfortableenvironment is established as grammar errors and pronunciation are not whatstudents are assessed on, but are instead assessed on their effort during storycreations and involvement with participation in stories and reading. 2.Students hearcomprehensible input. 3.Classroomenvironment is interactive and active. 4.Surveys have shownthat students find TPRS to be fun and engaging. 5.Acquisition is thegoal that students work towards creating meaning and understanding one another. 6.Works to developfluency, rather than accuracy(can be either an advantage or disadvantage,depending on what the person wants.) Disadvantages : 1.Teacher-centeredapproach. 2.Culture is not amajor aspect of TPRS. 3.Accuracy is notthe focus, but rather fluency is the focus (can be either positive or negative,depending on the learner’s wants). 免费领取更多英语教学法请联系我们 TESOL中国官网:www.tesolinchina.com TEFL中国官网: www.teflinchina.com 了解更多课程信息和最新开课信息 TESOL客服微信:13261910737 总部电话:010-68666616 企业邮箱:hi@TESOLinchina.com 学员服务邮箱:winter@tesolinchina.com |