TESOL Method of Math CrossingMath Crossing Players place number and operation cards on a game board grid to make equa- tions that cross each other like a crossword puzzle. Setup Cut 60 square cards. Write the numbers 0 to 9 on 40 of the cards and operation signs (+, —, ×, ÷, =) on the other 20 cards, or copy and use the cards provided. Using a large sheet of paper, make a game board marked with squares the same size as the cards. This game board grid should be about 20 squares on a side, but can be larger or even rectangular if desired. How to PlayTo begin play, the cards are scattered facedown on the table. Each player chooses seven cards for his or her hand without showing the cards to the others. The first player uses at least five cards to create a correct equation on the game board. If that player does not have an equa- tion in his or her hand, the player chooses an additional card and the turn passes to the next player. A play is scored by adding the val- ues of all the numbers used in the equation, plus one point for every operation square. For example, a play of 2 + 6 = 8 would score 18 points. After a play, additional cards are drawn so that a player always has at least seven.
Play continues until any player uses all his or her cards and there are no more left to draw. The players with cards remaining must subtract the value of those cards from the points they accumulated during the game. The player with the highest score wins. Variation■ Add cards with parentheses, decimal points, or fractions to the deck. Tips■ Have a calculator and scrap paper handy for players to check their answers and chal- lenge the plays of the others. ■ If a challenger identifies and corrects an equation, he or she scores one point for each card in the equation, and the player who made that incorrect equation loses all his or her points for that equation. 了解更多课程信息和最新开课信息 美国TESOL 中国总部 AMERICAN TESOL CHINA CENTER TESOL总部电话:010-83197099 TESOL客服微信:13011180737 TESOL总部官网: www. TESOLGOV.com TESOL北京总部:www.tesolgov.com.cn TESOL Online官网:www.tesolonline.com.cn 地址:中国·北京 西城区宣武门海格国际大厦B座605-606 ADDRESS: ROOM B605-606,Hai Ge GUO Ji Da Sha, Xuan Wu Men Wai Street., Beijing .CHINA 企业邮箱:admin@TESOLinchina.com 学员服务邮箱:amy@tesolinchina.com |