TESOL教学的设计与使用美国TESOL(American TESOL Institute,简称ATI)以引领英语教师国际化,获得TESOL英语教师职业准入,进入专业国际资格英语教师行列为目标,长期致力于提高和完善英语教师的教学水平及为欲在非英语国际同时教育工作的人士提供专业培训服务,是专业从事TESOL证书认证把那的学术机构。 Handout materials are often very important in terms of participants' learning from a training event. It is these materials that participants can refer to again and again, at their own pace. Such materials can also help you make best use of the face-to-face opportunities that a training event provides. 在培训学习活动中,讲义资料对于学员显得非常重要。正是这些资料,参与者可以按照自己的节奏反复查阅。这些资料还可以帮助学员充分利用培训活动提供面对面的机会。 下面从十个方面来阐述讲义的设计与使用. Plan to use handouts to save having to tell participants things.Some participants may already know them. It's much quicker for everyone to scan a handout than to listen to you explaining everything in person. When part of your training event is intended to tell participants things, see how much you can put into handout materials.Make sure you have sufficient copies.There are often a couple of unexpected participants – and some may want to have an extra copy to give to an absent colleague. It pays to be ready to give anyone or everyone copies of anything that is relevant to the aims or objectives of your training event.Make handouts look attractive.Use desk-top-publishing software to give your handouts that look of professionalism and style. The medium is the message – scrappy handouts (however good their content) will devalue your messages. Graphics can also help to make your handouts look better and more memorable.Make handouts interactive.Build in tasks and activities, so that anyone looking again at your handouts can relive the experience of being at your training event. The most important dimension is what participants may do when trying the tasks and activities you build into your handout materials.Use handout material in advance.Send participants handouts containing the things that your training event is going to be based upon, so that when they arrive to participate in your training events they are all at a similar level of knowledge or expertise.Include space for participants to make the handouts their own.When participants write their own comments, reactions, or answers to questions onto their own copies of the handout materials, they immediately gain a sense of ownership of the materials. They are no longer just pieces of paper they were given during a training event.Specify the aims and objectives of your training events on handouts.This helps participants to link your agenda to theirs, and to know exactly what the purpose of your training events may be.Include `Further Reading' lists in handouts.There's nothing better than an `Annotated Bibliography'. Give your own comments to help participants to know what they should aim to extract from the sources you list.Put your handout materials onto computer disk.Any and every handout benefits from the experience you gain each time you use it. When your materials are on disk, you can continually update and improve them.Include a `feedback sheet' in your handouts.A simple questionnaire can give you a range of ideas to incorporate into the next issue of each handout. Don't forget to ask `what's missing?' from any edition of a handout. TESOL证书考试培训,打造更多国际化英语教师精英! 了解更多课程信息和最新开课信息 美国TESOL 中国总部 AMERICAN TESOL CHINA CENTER TESOL总部电话:010-83197099 TESOL客服微信:13011180737 TESOL总部官网: www. TESOLGOV.com TESOL北京总部:www.tesolgov.com.cn TESOL Online官网:www.tesolonline.com.cn 地址:中国·北京 西城区宣武门海格国际大厦B座605-606 ADDRESS: ROOM B605-606,Hai Ge GUO Ji Da Sha, Xuan Wu Men Wai Street., Beijing .CHINA 企业邮箱:admin@TESOLinchina.com 学员服务邮箱:amy@tesolinchina.com |